Read DRT'S Educational Philosophy at the bottom of this page
“You inspire children to live into their best selves -- giving them confidence and a voice.” DRT Family, July 2019
“Every time our daughter takes one of your acting classes, her reading scores leap up.” DRT Family in 2015
Cost for each 8-week session: $200 with a 10% discount for 2nd+ child in family enrolled
SCHOLARSHIPS always available. Click Here for a: Scholarship Application form.
SCHOLARSHIP fees, if any, may be paid using this DONATE Button:
CLASS LOCATION: CityWell Church, 2317 Chapel Hill Rd., Durham, NC (Corner of Huron & Chapel Hill)
The size of all classes is limited to 12 students
As COVID creates new variants, DRT takes simple precautions. Two are top among them: 1) If you have a fever and/or a cold, stay home, get well and we’ll be glad to see you when you return, and 2) If you have asthma or any other respiratory or immune concerns, please feel free and supported to wear a mask (even if you just want to because there’s a bug going around.) Questions and suggestions are welcome.
how to register
With a CARD: Press the BUTTON below the class session(s) you want to join
With a CHECK: Send Check & registration form to Durham Regional Theatre (DRT), PO Box 61894, Durham, NC 27715.
Download, fill out and return a 2024 - 2025 Class Registration Form
DRT REFUND POLICY: DRT does not refund camp or class registration fees except in the case of family emergencies. YOU MAY: 1) Make a tax deductible contribution to our vital SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM or 2) apply your registration fee to a future DRT class or summer theatre camp.
At the end of each 8-week class session family & friends are invited to a showcase performance of our play.
CREATIVE ACTING 1 (9-16 Years)
TUESDAYS - 4:30 - 6:00
In Creative Acting I, beginning and intermediate young actors create characters, select locations and determine basic plot elements, which Ms. Justice writes into a script for rehearsal and performances. While learning the elements of good acting in voice, movement and character development, actors perform the characters they helped create.
(NO CLASS on for DPS Spring Break)
Sept. 10–Oct. 29, 2024, Ghost Hunters Club
********Jan. 14–March 4, 2025, ******Lost in the artic
March 11–May 6, 2025, (no class DPS break) Wild River Rafting
******THE SPRING 2025 session of creative acting 1 is full *****
Creative Acting 2* - 11-17 yrs
Fridays: 4:30pm – 6:00pm
*Please read “Ready for Advanced Acting?” At duhamregionaltheatre.com/classes/
In Creative Acting II, experienced young actors who consistently employ the basics of good acting will use acting games, vocal exercises, rehearsal, and performance to build their talent . Advanced students must commit to at least 15-minutes a day of script /voice study outside of class. Plays are written by Jennifer Justice and actors are cast into roles by their director. The spring session is given to acting games.
Sept. 13–Nov. 1, 2024, Blue Moon Shape Shifters in Blue Moon Over Alaska
the 3rd episode in the Blue Moon Shape Shifters series of fantasy plays (the one where they first meet Jeff Loupe/ Amarok, lord of the wolves)
Jan. 10-Feb. 28, 2025, finding Home
the 3rd and final episode in the FIREKEEPERS SERIES of science fictions plays
March 14-May 9, 2025 (no class DPS break)
Acting Games For the Fun of It (Actors Will Decide whether to have a showcase)
Story Theatre - 5-9 yrs
Saturdays: 10am –11:00am
With Master Storyteller Jennifer Justice (Ms. Jenny)
On the 1st day of class, young actors create characters, select locations and determine basic plot elements based on the class title. Ms. Jenny writes our ideas into a script (I play the role of Storyteller, and sometimes a giant or a yeti if needed.). While learning purposeful creative, teamwork, language building, movement, character expression, confidence, voice, scene design, costume design, scene design.…actors rehearse and perform the characters they helped create.
(With new readers, parents will help with learning lines at home during the week.)
Sept. 14 – Nov. 2, 2024, The Haunted Forest
Jan. 18 – March 8, 2025, The Frozen Wish
March 15– May 10, 2025 (no class DPS spring break) The Short Giant
if you have not been in Creative acting ii before, contact our artistic director, jenny justice, prior to registering for creative acting II.
Are You Ready for Creative Acting 2?
See you at acting classes!
Jenny Justice, Artistic Director
DRT EDucational philosophy
Durham Regional Theatre has a student centered educational philosophy that utilizes the ability of theatre arts to engage each child’s power to learn, with a special focus on literacy.
“Every time our daughter takes one of your acting classes, her reading scores leap up.” DRT Family since 2013
Each DRT theatre class provides learning opportunities across a range of knowledge – including art, music, math, history, science, geography, empathy, problem solving, group collaboration, as well as oral and written word literacy …
Two cornerstones of literacy are ownership of language and the motivation to use language. Even so-called ‘non-reading’ students take scripts eagerly from my hands and start to read without being asked, picking out key words and noting new vocabulary - deciding which character they want to play, whose words and feelings they will make their own and bring to life. Jennifer Justice, DRT artistic director
One mother asked her ‘non-reading’ daughter why the girl studied her scripts so diligently, underlining and looking up words she didn’t know, trying out the sound of lines she liked. The 5th grader answered with the strongest motivator of all (after our innate desire to learn.) She said, “This is fun.”
Top of the Page
Class Location at CityWell Church, 2317 Chapel Rd., Durham, NC
Wormy with DRT faculty, Jeffrey Sullivan, about 2015