DRT recognizes, appreciates and sends big thanks to all our community partners
DRT’s 2021 Summer Theatre Camp IN-PERSON/IN-MASKS was such a great experience - Just seeing everyone, old friends and new, in-person again brought so much joy! We played acting games, we stretched, strengthened, and relaxed our bodies/instruments, we rehearsed, we painted sets, we gathered costumes and props, and sometimes we just chilled together, catching up on all the news from the past year.
At the end of camp, we performed a fantastic show, “The Mask of the Jaguar,” the 9th and final episode in the Ghosts * R * Us series of adventure plays for children and youth. The audience stood and cheered!
And if you can believe it, we are already getting ready for a great 12th season of fall, winter, spring eight week classes! Registration is open at durhamregionaltheatre.com/classes/ The 2021-2022 class flier is pasted below. Join the fun and have a great year with DRT!
Warmly, Jenny Justice
On Tuesday, January 12, 2021 DRT will kick-off the winter 8-week class session in our 11th season! The week before our acting classes begin is always one of great anticipation at DRT - waiting to discover who will be part of our next adventure in creating and performing original theatre - which old friends will return and what new friends will appear - what are the plays we will create together and how will the actors grow as they bring our plays to life - I look forward to working and playing with all of our young actors in Winter 2021.
With love, Jenny Justice
DRT Artistic Director
"The kid's favorite camp of the summer, again!" Joyner Family
Acting games, play rehearsals, creating sets, inventing costumes, the thrill of an audience and the warmth of friendships old and new … At DRT Summer Theatre Camps every actor is guaranteed a part.
"It's a long time since we have seen our child so creatively engaged." Family 2012
Blue Moon Shape Shifters in
4th Episode in the Blue Moon Shape Shifters Series of Plays for Children & Youth
Written and directed by Jennifer Justice
In this action packed fantasy comedy/drama, we meet the present day descendants of the 3 magic moms and the 3 teen shape-shifters (Ariel Unicorn, Grandmother Tiger and Naga Cobra) from “The Origins of Dragon Bob” series. Because dragons live for 1000’s of years, the Shape Shifters battle with old favorites like Dragon Bob the Terrible Tour Guide and his scheming sister, Dragon “Queen?” Robena. The series also features fascinating new characters like Jeff Loupe, a Private Investigator who is also a werewolf, Sandra Dee, Robena’s daughter, and Bets Swirlinger, very near-sighted but can see lies hanging in the air above the liar’s head. Plus, you never know who will show up.
Camp Location
CityWell Church, 2317 Chapel Hill Rd., Durham, NC (Corner of Huron & Chapel Hill Rd. with plenty of parking on the street around the church)
Camp Times
Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. * Early drop off and after care by arrangement. Public performance on the last Friday evening of camp (7:00 pm).
Camp Cost: $400
PAY BY CHECK: Make checks to Durham Regional Theatre and mail to DRT, P.O. Box 61894, Durham, NC 27715.
PAY ONLINE: At durhamregionaltheatre.com/theatre-camps
After seven amazing summer camp seasons joyfully housed at Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church, we were both grateful and sad last summer to learn that this warm, welcoming congregation needed to fulfill their strong sense of mission by offering space to Temple Beth El, as they re-construct their own religious home.
DRT will always be deeply grateful to the fine folks and outstanding minister, Rev. Katie Crowe, at TAPC for lifting us up, so that by last summer we hosted 9-weeks of full summer theatre camps and reached our annual goal of 50% scholarship participation. We absolutely could not have done it without TAPC. Thank you.
Rev. Crowe was a great support as DRT searched for a new summer camp home; then, after 7-months the solution came through a casual answer to a group e-mail - We are excited to announce that DRT is entering into a "start-up" partnership for summer 2018 with Durham School for Ballet and Performing Arts (DSBPA.) It is close to our old home at TAPC, across the street from Durham School for the arts.
For summer camp season 2018, DRT will scale back to 4-weeks of camps - 2-weeks in June and 2-weeks in July. The 60-minute plays are original, funny and thrilling - We will have our Friday night audiences gasping with surprise and roaring with laughter! And through our new partnership with DSBPA, campers may even find themselves learning how to fly. Ages 6-12 - REGISTER TODAY at durhamregionaltheatre.com/theatre-camps/
Most every day we hear that our city of Durham, NC is "thriving," with prosperity around every corner. DRT supports thoughtful, sustainable city growth that ensures the continuation of our city's treasured character - a stable multiplicity of race and economy that values a strong African American presence at diverse financial levels. With rents and food costs skyrocketing all over town, and our most economically vulnerable citizens - seniors, children and people of color - impacted first and worst by the rapid change, that rich identity is significantly endangered.
Durham, NC is caught up in the increasing national gap between wealth and poverty, mimicking economic boom and bust trends that result in increased homelessness along with diminished nourishment and educational resources (including access to the arts that support vital literacy and character development.) The result nationally is homeless levels not seen since the last big recession and a mass of citizens working 2-3 jobs to make ends meet. In Durham, as of 2017 we had lost more than 10% of our African American community since 2010. Families are being forced to leave their homes and communities to seek housing outside Durham.
Because current national and local trends threaten DRT's ability to fulfill our mission - and because we believe in turning lemons into lemonade - we have decided to help make the racial and economic injustice visible - With "Stop the War on Our Poor (SWOP)" buttons. DRT artistic director, Jenny Justice, designed the SWOP buttons using photographs from DRT shows and summer camps. Thanks to all the talented photographers and to the actors for their inspiration.
There are 7 button designs to choose from, or mix and match. Buttons are 2"x 2" squares with back-pin, made of high-quality, pretty, and durable plastic. Purchase them online at durhamregionaltheatre.com/swop/ or with a check to DRT, PO Box 61894, Durham, NC 27715
Donations will 1) cover the costs of making and mailing buttons and 2) support DRT's mission to serve an authentically, thriving, multi-racial community
Please allow 2 weeks for buttons to be printed and mailed to you (pick-up is available too)
The wait is over and the fun is about to start as we gear up for the first DRT acting classes of 2018 this week. You can register today at durhamregionaltheatre.com/classes or with cash or a check to DRT on the day of your first class. If you have any questions, call (919) 286-5717 or email: durhamregionaltheatre@gmail.com.
Jenny Justice, DRT artistic director
It has warmed my heart these chilly winter days to receive so many emails asking when DRT will begin registration for our Summer Theatre Camps 2018. It also reminded me that it is time to spread the word about what's happening to a broader community of possibility.
For seven amazing years DRT's popular summer camps were hosted in the beautiful, huge Fellowship Hall at Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church in Durham. It was a tremendous expression of TAPC's commitment to a generously inclusive mission. TAPC'S generosity allowed DRT to grow from two small camps in our first summer to nine solid weeks of camps in 2017 that brimmed-over with an excited and diverse community. TAPC's generosity also aided DRT's financial accessibility vision, so that in 2016-2017 we achieved our goal of supporting 50% of our families with program scholarships.
This past summer we learned that TAPC needs to fulfill their mission in new ways now - specifically, they have offered their Fellowship Hall to another Durham religious organization in need of significant housing. We wish TAPC every success, and will be forever grateful for the people they allowed us to serve over the years.
DRT's Board of Directors remains committed to serving our diverse community with summer theatre camps in the future. With strong outreach support from TAPC's minister, we have been searching for a new summer home - and we will continue searching with the intention of offering the camps this summer 2018. But we have not met with success so far. If you have a contact for our search, please call (919) 286-5717 or email durhamregionaltheatre@gmail.com.
At this time of year, we understand that many families must make decisions regarding their summer plans and enroll in other popular camps before they fill-up. We hope you will continue to visit our Summer Theatre Camp webpage: durhamregionaltheatre.com/theatre-camps. And we hope to have fun creating great theatre with you in the future.
Warmly, Jenny Justice, DRT Artistic Director
Michael and Naomi Gibson, "The Giver," DRT Nov.. 2015
Michael Gibson, June 15, 1964 - Dec. 8, 2017
Our dear friend and DRT actor, Michael Gibson, passed away in the early hours, Friday, December 8, 2017. His death was caused by an aggressive cancer that was beginning to tell on Michael even as he performed so beautifully with us in "Walk Two Moons" last year. Michael fought bravely and was supported by a broad community and a loving family.
The last time I saw Michael was only last month when he came, weak, but well-supported by family and friends, to sit on the front row as Naomi performed her DRT acting class fall showcase. Michael never missed Naomi's shows. Now we will miss him, but we will not forget.
A memorial service is being planned for Michael; we will post the details on our Michael Gibson web page.
It is Holiday Fundraising time. DRT invites you to enjoy this short movie celebrating why we are dedicated to keeping Durham Regional Theatre alive and thriving in 2017-2018. Then go to durhamregionaltheatre.com/donate and make a difference with a creative gift to DRT.
Wishing all our DRT community a joyful holiday season.
DRT began our 2017/2018 year challenged by the loss of program space in a city that is increasingly in need of affordable spaces in general - But we believe in our mission and love what we do - Our programs are successful and growing, so, undeterred, we dug in our heels, took some deep breaths and began our search for new space-
We found success with the offer of space for our fall 2017 8-week acting classes, at the warm, attractive CityWell Church on Chapel Hill Road in Durham. DRT and CityWell agreed to see how things went with our new partnership before planning beyond November.
We have very much enjoyed being at CityWell this fall; our 37 young actors have grown relaxed and brave on the pretty stage. Just this week Co-Pastor Cleve May told us the partnership is working for them as well and we are welcome to stay.
We hope you will join usin the New Year in our new classroom home - We're having a fantastic time - (It makes a creative treat for the Halloween bag too!)
Warmly, Jenny Justice, DRT artistic director
As summer ends and the leaves turn toward autumn, DRT's 2017-2018 season starts the week of September 11-16, 2017. DRT kicks-off our 8th SEASON of multi-racial theatre, classes and summer theatre camps with old favorites and some great new ingredients.
After three great and growing years at EK Powe School, DRT is excited to begin acting classes next week in our new location at CityWell Church. (Just about a mile from EK Powe, at the corner of Huron Rd. and Chapel Hill Rd.) Plenty of FREE PARKING on the street and in the church lot.
on Wednesdays, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm, 8-week class begins on September 13, 2017.
Teens have been asking for an acting class all to themselves, and here is our answer: YES! The class will be shaped around the teen actors with choices in improvisation, scene study, character work, voice training and audition monologues. Jump in – help invent a new class and have a great time doing what you love.
Begins in the DRT Friday class, “Creative Acting 2,” for ages 9-12, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm, 8-week class starts on September 15, 2017.
DRT’s Friday class of experienced actors aged 9-12 performs original plays written by director, Jenny Justice. Popular plays become a Play Series, further developing the characters and plots.
Past successful series include “Ghosts R Us,” “Spacetime: 2075,” “The Blue Moon Shape Shifters,” and “The Origins of Bob the Dragon.” Students asked for a 5th series, and here it is.
“Terry the Time Traveler” takes its first voyage starting on Friday, September 15, 2017. We are all excited to find out where and when the first journey will take her.
For more details:
(919) 286-5717
Email: durhamregionaltheatre@gmail.com.
To register: Cost Per 8-Week Session: $ 145.00 (10% discount for 2nd student in family)
With a card at: durhamregionaltheatre.com/classes
With a check to: DRT, PO Box 61894, Durham, NC 27715
Scholarships are always available.
Join the brave, funny and fabulous Ghosts R Us team for their 6th adventure, this time on Angel Island in San Francisco bay. Teresa, Jeresa, Tammy, Sue Ellen and Sara discover all is not well among the ghosts of Chinese immigrant children ("Paper Children") who were kept on the island during the U.S. exclusion laws (1882-1940.) The GRU team leaps into the ghostly world to help the ghosts solve their problems and move on.