DRT is Looking for People of All Ages Who Love to Sing

 “Brigid, the Legend Begins,” an original musical

Written with Lyrics & Melodies by Jennifer Justice

Director, Jennifer Justice; Music Director/Vocal Arrangements, Joy Harrell-Goff

All Music Produced & Arranged by Michael D. Jones, Sr.

What:                 DRT is looking for people of all ages to sing with the large chorus of an original musical. Some small peaking parts available. If you are interested, simply come to our first rehearsal and sing with the cast. (For a full description of the play, CLICK HERE and read Cliff Bellamy's 2014 Herald Sun article.

When:                 Thursday, January 5, 2017, 6:15 – 8:30 pm

Where:               Auditorium of EK Powe Elementary School, 913 Ninth Street, Durham, NC

                           (Plenty of free parking on the street and in small lots)

How:                   It is easy, arrive with the cast at 6:15 pm and sing with the chorus – you may be asked to sing some scales for us to establish what parts you will sing.

Roles for:            Chorus (Ages 7 yrs – adults)

Rehearsals:        Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays: 6:30 – 8:30 pm and Saturdays: 12:30 – 3:00 pm.

Show Dates:       Friday, Feb. 10 & 17, 2017, 7:00 pm

                           Friday, Feb. 17, 2017, 10 am educational matinee

                           Saturday, Feb. 11 & 18, 2017, 2:00 pm

Durham Regional Theatre is an intentionally multi-racial, not-for-profit theatre building community, character and careers since 2010. All of our plays include a multi-racial cast.

“Brigid, the Legend Begins,” was written with melodies and lyrics by DRT artistic director, Jennifer Justice. It is an exciting fantasy set in pre-Celtic Ireland that was first produced by DRT in winter 2014. For a description of the play, CLICK HERE & read Cliff Bellamy’s Herald Sun article, “Finding your story: DFT to present new musical.” Written 2/6/14