Assistant Camp Manager and Summer Lighting Director

Working with DRT Summer Theatre Camps is exciting and satisfying because you know you have made a positive difference, gained vital skills for the future and earned recognition for service to an established not-for-profit. DRT is an intentionally multi-racial and intergenerational arts and education organization serving Durham for seven years. The salaries are small – contract and stipend level – but the rewards are huge.

DRT Hiring Policy: DRT does not discriminate in regards to race, age, class, gender, sexual orientation, or special abilities. All are invited to apply for all positions.

DRT is grateful to the Durham Arts Council and the North Carolina Arts Council for their support.

Location of Jobs: All DRT Summer Theatre Camps 2017 are held at 927 W. Trinity Avenue, Durham, NC (Near Durham School for the Arts) in the fellowship hall of Trinity Ave. Presbyterian Church.

CLICK BELOW FOR SUMMER 2017 JOB DESCRIPTIONS: And go to, to read all about it - 



DRT is also accepting applications for Teen Teaching Assistants, a community service position that is vital to our reputation as an excellent, exciting, positive, creative camp. Read how to become a Teen Teaching Assistant with DRT at